How often should I clean the filters on the Reactor unit?

Daily cleaning of the inlet strainer screens of your Graco Reactor helps to prevent contamination.

The inlet strainers filter out particles that can plug the pump inlet check valves. By flushing out any isocyanate residue at the start of dispensing operations, you minimize moisture entering the system and contaminating the material mix.

Trainer tip: Although the inlet filters don’t need to be checked daily it is important that they don’t clogg. A best practice is to check the filter condition and add a day each rotation the filter looks fine. When the filter is clogged, you will have an idea of the frequency of days between checking and cleaning the filter.

Isocyanate can crystallize from moisture contamination or from freezing. To avoid contamination on the A side screen, make sure the materials are clean and follow the appropriate storage, transfer, and operating procedures.

Cleaning the inlet strainer screen

Clean the A side inlet strainer screen only during daily startup. You should immediately flush out any isocyanate residue at the start of dispensing operations to minimize moisture contamination.

Follow these steps to clean the filter screen daily:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Always wear appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE) when cleaning or servicing the spray foam proportioning system or accessories.

  1. Close the fluid inlet valve at the pump inlet and shut off the appropriate feed pump. This prevents material from being pumped while you clean the screen.

  2. Place a container under the strainer base to catch drain-off when the strainer plug (C) is removed.

  3. Remove the screen (A) from the strainer manifold. Thoroughly flush the screen with compatible moisture-free solvent and shake it dry. Inspect the screen. No more than 25% of the mesh should be restricted. If more than 25% of the mesh is blocked, replace the screen. Inspect the gasket (B) and replace as required.

  4. Ensure the pipe plug (D) is screwed into the strainer plug (C). Install the strainer plug with the screen (A) and o-ring (B) in place and tighten. Do not overtighten. Let the gasket make the seal.

  5. Open the fluid inlet valve, ensure that there are no leaks, and wipe the equipment clean. 

Refer to the manual for further directions:


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